Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Finger Pain?

kao.. actually today quite unlucky..
1st.. ->period..
2nd..-> PJ cannot play..
3rd..-> my pity finger hurt because i knock it on the chemistry lab,
i think i m really careless T_____T

*typing with my fingers.. pain leh!*

today i had borrowed 4 books from library,
so far i has only finished 2
its mandarin story books again,
i just introduce one of it here..:

There's a primary school in the deep deep deep part of a jungle..
the school has only got 5 students, and 2 students going to graduated..
goverment was like closing the school after the last student , Yu Wen, Jia Jia and Rui Ren graduated.
so.. this five little kids has start to think of a way to save the school..
they trying to make some video about the environment there, and how good they are
to attract more students come to study here, not to let the school close.

This is a story which tells us about the beauty of natural.. the innocent of the children.. the dreams.. and the heart, that contact each other !
-if u are interested with this story, can get more info from me :P-

oh yeah, today the counsellor teacher from school came to my class.. and talk about our further studies..
seriously i dont know what is my target.. to hit the target, what shall i do?
teacher told us, we shall decide what to study and choose the future base on 4 points..:
ans.. BUSINESS..
but i still dont understand..
anyway.. going to gambatte for this whole year, hope to get better results for my SPM,
wish me, my friends!
and good luck to all the students who taking SPM this year!

Police caught 4 students in the zoo..
@Police : what did you four do?!
@StudentA: i throw peanut to the elephant cage..
@StudentB: me too.. throw peanut to the elephant cage..
@StudentC: throw peanut to the elephant cage..
@StudentD: i..
@Police: wait!! then why you four be here?!
@StudentD: i'm peanut..-

-Firefly lights is not to illuminate itself.. but others!-

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