exam passed..
and my result was not that good as i expected
but so what? THIS IS EXAM..
i could do better on next time..
just abit disappointed about my chinese mark..
its only 66 marks
other is still ok.. sastera china and mathematics both i get 88..
anyway my 3 science subs and addmath stilll failing..
dont know why? i did study for it
mayb i should do more exercise..
gambatte for myself :)
this 2 weeks i went out to watch movie..

it was a really nice movie..
interesting story and the effects.. so pro
i love the story from Greek.. really nice
it was talking about Persues.. a Half god half human going to fight with those gods
included his real father, Zeus..
anyway at last he faught with Medulla..
and get her head to kill the Kraken
and have a great war.. from the begining to the end.. he won Hades..
interesting story and the effects.. so pro
i love the story from Greek.. really nice
it was talking about Persues.. a Half god half human going to fight with those gods
included his real father, Zeus..
anyway at last he faught with Medulla..
and get her head to kill the Kraken
and have a great war.. from the begining to the end.. he won Hades..
the second is Being human..

this story is from Jack Neoh.. nice movie though..
in the middle part i did cried
and someone who i dont know is laughing out there
just at the old man, who is so sad
what happen to this world
or i should ask like this
what happen to those people
how could them just laugh like that?
even though if u feel nothing, not touching at all, DONT LAUGH!!
it shows u have no manners, no heart...
mimi and ah ka was really feel angry right? i guess la..
because i took my tissues and wipe my tears off
and those people just laughing and said :
" hahaha!! u see his saliva!! yerr geli!!"
something like that.. why dont they listen to his story?
do u know what did his daughter done for him?
do u know how hard they live?
dont laugh...
exam is over
and sports day is coming
i m taking part in this sports day
with 400m and 4x400m
4x400m is going on by tomorrow, raptai of the sport day
seriously i feel scared.
i scare i cannot do well , but i still want to try
i scare i make whole team lose.. just because im too noob
my leg has hurt.. but it doesnot matter.. just hope it dont cause me to fall down when running
now what can i do is try my best...
thanks kaka.. i keep telling u that i scare i cannot do that
i really scare
sometimes i did look like im fearless
but i'm not
just pretend to be like that, that is not me..
anyway, gambatte again for me :)
all my teamate!! gambatte!! tomorrow will be a nice day
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