Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I wonder how long i have been MIA for this blog?
erm.. i guess it is around 3 months.
Wow, isn't that was a long long time?
Hm, actually for whole May, I'm being busy for exam and activities.
then start to busy for my camps.
and then June to July i've got alot of activities and competitions.
Seriously i also wondering why am i so busy for?
Homework didn't complete.
Feel tired everyday.
Got scolded from almost every teacher.
No time to relax.
I also wondering why.
But i'm just want to do this.
Well, i feel stressed up.
Anyway, i have to MIA again... for study, my SPM is coming soon.
Sorry to those whose i promised, i have to break my promise now.
It's not time for me to blogging, busy and tired.
Anyway, I've got a boyfriend for now.
busy dating too =p...
I would like to spend all my time with them, my friends and my family members,
and my tutu =)
therefore... this blog might be closing soon.
or else the blogger will be MIA until SPM over.
oh ya, maybe when i was in bad mood.
just bear with me, my homework not yet finish.
have to go now, buaii buaii all.
I'll miss you guys =)
Friday, April 30, 2010
I could not control my own feeling
I feel stressed out
I dont really know how to handle it
How to solve the problems
Now the only thing i know
Is to continue my life
I shall do it, no matter what happen
I must do it, no matter how i think
I got to do it!
and now, there is 2 days holidays
i shall take a break from this 2 day
anyway, gonna hang out with wen wen and friends
all the zoo group member.. and probably with someone else
i hope can enjoy tomorrow
but until now we still dont know want to watch which movie
Ice kacang puppy love? nope, huey yng dont want to watch
probably is When In Rome, but the 1st show at 4.25pm
i guess it is too late
anyway, no one is replying me now
i can just ignore it ba
why do i have a feeling, that tomorrow will not be that good?
dont know, now i really not feel well
was emo-ing
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Gui Ling Gao^^
should have change abit
Not too sensitive
Not too unconcerned
Lately i become abit...
rude? oh well
im rude at all the time..
just i think my talk way has change
Everytime just say "F*ck"
just alot of rude words
Ka has warned me
i shall be more careful about my words
oh well.. i had cooked gui ling gao yesterday
quite a few nice feed back
i think i m going to cook another later~
thanks for supporting my gui ling gao frens ^^
byebye~ got to go. muacks !
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
im busy..
and dont feel like blogging..
something else happen
alot thing has changed
i am still not used to the situation now
actually i feel like closing this blog soon
starting dont know how to express my feeling
it is not only one word or two word, one post or two post could settle
but anyway...
i think im still continueing..
could not stop blogging because i really love to share with you guys
as u know, im a sharing person, right?
this few day quite alot thing happen lo..
i think my close friend all know what happen?
im so confused actually
kinda weird
and i believe it is still not yet reach the level..
the feeling is still stucking at the place
i could not tell how it is.. but i know, i feel it
i feel my feeling
now u can see it
my mind so messy
i could not tell you guys what happen
it messed up my life
but i think i could handle it
just, dont think too much
oh well.. had to end here..
one more...
I'm back =)
Monday, April 12, 2010
exam passed..
and my result was not that good as i expected
but so what? THIS IS EXAM..
i could do better on next time..
just abit disappointed about my chinese mark..
its only 66 marks
other is still ok.. sastera china and mathematics both i get 88..
anyway my 3 science subs and addmath stilll failing..
dont know why? i did study for it
mayb i should do more exercise..
gambatte for myself :)
this 2 weeks i went out to watch movie..

interesting story and the effects.. so pro
i love the story from Greek.. really nice
it was talking about Persues.. a Half god half human going to fight with those gods
included his real father, Zeus..
anyway at last he faught with Medulla..
and get her head to kill the Kraken
and have a great war.. from the begining to the end.. he won Hades..

Thursday, April 1, 2010
April Fool~
today is April Fool!
Let's have some fun about it!
yesterday around 11.50+ pm i was talking to Dexter
i tell him i m waiting
then he asked me, what are u waiting for?
i just keep saying let me wait la
then when 12am came, i starting to cheat him
and i started my day of fooling around
then is my bro's friend.. then is my sis.. continue like that..
then Max also cheated by me, haha. the 17th victim!
and somemore friends.
I told Max and some friends that
this year is last year of being a "child"
next year will be 18 year-old and become an adult le
so this year must play untill syok
then i set my target at 100 people
But not hitting :(
Then this morning go to school, when i saw ahmimi i just starting to fool her
"你的鞋带掉了!" i told her like that
then i said, Happy April Fool!
she was like very angry with my action and shoot me
seriously i feel Hurt, so i just took my bag and go to line up
then i also make jokes from others
then whole day i really feel not that well.
was thinking about the thing happened this morning
im not angry about that, just abit hurt
but i angry about myself, i know her style, and why i still repeating the stupid action
when recess i also dint see her
when after school, i saw her at the gate there
was trying to act like normal and nature
luckily she dint show her " smelly" face at me
feel abit happy
ahmimi, i have read ur blog
i know u dont want to do that , u are not intentionally
no need say sorry la, it is just like that
i know you so long , trust me, i know your style!
i know ur mum sucks XD
dont misunderstood, that is all
today happened alot funny thing, and alot meaningful thing
this year is the best year of my APRIL FOOL
Sunday, March 28, 2010
i think quite alot of people know yesterday , 27th of March
is Earth Hour..
Let's Take a Look on this video..
although all those buildings does look nice in light..
But from eye of earth..
it look much nicer when without light..
a type of beauty in silent and dark
Look at this..
Please help to save our Mother - Earth..
i do really wish from heart, and do so
save the electric.. and save the trees.. and others..
the feeling is like..
i feel like want to do something about it..
and trying to do my best..
today my dad came back to penang..
and he wants to cook something.. but he dont know how to do
and just phone my mum and then anyhow start
haiz, my house kitchen so pity
but then i have to clean up the kitchen
and my dad's cooking although very scary look
but still nice taste =)
and he feel very proud of it
keep praising himself. haha
that is all for now, exam finish, and starting to class too
but my studying is not ending.. have to continue
the second exam is coming soon , very fast
and my result still sucks, abit improve but not hitting my target, not even 50%
Ciaoz guys <3
Thursday, March 25, 2010
and today i starting to think...
Since when.. i am changing...
以前的我,吵吵闹闹,和嘉倪她们在篮球场大玩True or Dare
朋友,还记得我form 2写的“多姿多彩的校园生活”吗?
其实是想成为banker / investor 的……
Oh... 还有……
I love You All , Friends..
Sunday, March 21, 2010
And i dont know why keep "har~ chiu!" non stop...
i guess there is 2 reasons..
Either someone cursing me..
or someone missing me..
but i think the 1st probaby... is the reason..
then when i listen to this song:
我很想爱他--by Twins..
i started to sing..
but.. because of keep "har~chiu!" +ing...
the song become like that:
我很想har chiu
har chiu比较容易吧
LOL... then i told bear bear (MiMi) about this on msn..
and we two keep laughing non stop...
then i rewrite the lyrics...
so now it become like :
天空下起har chiu
可是我不har chiu
我很想har chiu
我很想har chiu
i guess i really lame!!!!
but anyway it is still hyper duper super funny for me!!!
What the Lame song "我很想HarChiu"
by---> Tan Zhi Yong!!
Beware of my Songs!!!
gonna tell you guys a news..
The song from my blog is quite "sudden attack"!!!
don't get HEART ATTACK ya!
If you want to know..
Just stay here for around 25 minutes xD!!
I don't want to see.. any news from newspaper said that
"Blog Killed People!!!"
Ciao guys <3
Friday, March 19, 2010
Holiday End T.T
This holiday is gonna end..
although everyday we did go ahka's house..
but i think we done nothing there except gaming and chating non stop
haha~ It's a type of wasting =.=''
but anyway.. You know!
I'm so clever so i study before i go to ahka's house =P
So.. at last it is still holiday for me ~ muahaha~
So.. For this holiday i also keep studying la..~
make myself abit sicky
but no worry friends, i know how to take care of ownself =3
By the way, my mum has bought some pills for me..
It is for something like " cure brain" or what what ?
OH gosh!!
One of it has got MILKY SMELL
damn i hate it T.T but..
a Jar of pills cost my mum RM100++!!!
oh damn.. so expensive i dont want to waste T.T
so.. i ate it everyday...
almost vomit out everything but still eating T.T
Oh well.. exam is coming sooon!!! T.T
i gonna die i gonna die i gonna die T.T
Friends!!! wish me all the best please T.T
i should be able to do well !!!
gahhh!! Go Go Tan Zhi Yong!!!
You can Do IT!! Just dO it!!
Keep on laughing at my photo ♥
When im so small i m so cute!!! <3
oh my god haha~ cannot imagine how come now im not that cute anymore T.T
got chance then i'll post it here =P
Oh yeah.. LYY this stupid came to MiMi's house today..
hehe.. Warning from mimi is giving out to him...
Beweare Of Bear!!!
She is gonna kill YOU soon LYY!!
Dont come near me if u scared...
That is all for now <3>
Love you guys friends XD!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Let's get Started!!
Don't let me feel hard..
Don't force me..
I'm not the kind of person like what is in your mind..
I'm who i am..
Don't say like you understand me so well..
Don't act like you know me so nice...
Don't think that I am the one who acting..
You know i don't, and me too
Stop stealing my mind
Stop sneak out from your world.. and came to my world
Stop to feel annoyed..
Stop to say that 3 words..
You, don't be like that..
I know, its from deeply in my heart
I'm not the type that you think
I don't wanna to tell but you forced me..
So how?
When i told You..
you just like ignore ..
I'm gonna ignore you..
Let's get started...
Get far apart from me....
Do.. So..
Have to go on for studying..
My life is still going on..
as if i just continue ignore..
Everything will be fine :3
Your Support is NEEDED... Friends..
It's obvious... I do need you all
let's give me some power to go on with this
Studying like mad and watching Bleach for rest and Eat non stop..
I know , You knows, and everyone Else..
Gambatte =)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Little Letter
I think you will never see this ..
Because you don't like read english?
Because you never ever know my blog?
Anyway.. I think i shall tell you..
I would not accept you..
Its not yours problem
Its not as you said, all because of you are
too black look.. too stupid.. too what and what ever ever
I don't love you.. That's all
i do like you, as a friend
i do love you, as a friend
i don't like you or else love you
as a couple
It won't change because of time passing
It won't change because of my changes
It won't, really.
I do not brave enough to tell you straight away
I can just keep go on like this with you
If you wants to wait... i could not stop you
I just hope that you can understand my feeling
get a better girl for yourself,
the best wishes from my heart
Exam Soon
Its quite busy over here
Happened alot funny thing but could never post here >_<
To tell friends,
No worry, I'm fine with all. Nothing happen ^_^
Just some little jokes happen..
i accidently bring my SIVIK text book to PHYSICS class..
And this is second time already.. really oh my god..
How come i can take wrong =.=
Keep accidently bang my back head to wall or something else..
Pain T.T
dont know why my head want to kiss the wall or what
luckily didnt become stupid yet
Anyway, my first exam is coming soon,
just after this one week holiday
therefore, NO HOLIDAY FOR ME
i gonna study for whole holiday,
keep on studying and improving my knowledge
to hit my target
to get my aiming
i want to do better than last year
i want to be better than others
For this , we formed a study group
trying to learn and then teach others
Oh well. although i m studying so hard like crazy
No worry friends.
i would like to let myself enjoy too
Watch Bleach after studying?
Go eat something nice after studying?
haha XD
imma going off to study, anyway bye friends
see if i free XP
Sunday, March 7, 2010
She's starting to lost energy..
She has a fever..
She feel hard..
Her legs doesn't function..
Her hands shaking like hell..
Her voice is losing..
I cannot hear her voice..
I cannot be her legs and hands..
I cannot make her don't cough..
I cannot ..
The things is going on..
Time still passing..
Life still going..
And i am still standing here..
Move or not..?
I shall do it..
Just do it..
Left my worried aside..
Go for what am i worrying....
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
1. 你最希望从朋友(不包括爱人)那里得到什么
Food=) haha is smile xD
2. 最近最郁闷的事
weather so hot and teacher so lame=.=
3. 最受不了自己的哪个缺点
4. 遇到喜欢的人,你是勇敢表白还是默默关注
if i have i shall tell him =D
5. 说出点你名的人三个优点
a、Cute b、Faithful c、Straight
6. 以一个形容词形容点名人的外表
7. 你现在最想做的是什么
go Domino's pizza eat
8. 用一个字形容自己
Earn alot of money and live happily~
10. 你希望朋友为你做什么
Happy =)
11. 十年以后,你想过什么样的生活
Relaxing and cheering
12. 接下来最想去旅行的国家
Japan x)
Shout at the one who make me moody
14. 怕不怕世界末日
Scare i damn scare die.
15. 什么时候觉得孤单
Argue with friends and family
16. 想对点你名的人说的话
Go for the way u want juju, gambatte for novelling XD
17. 家人重要还是伴侣重要
Family sure
18. 择偶条件
Let me bully until die that type! XD
19. 是不是有喜欢的人
Tell u no liao lo
A. 被点到名字的要在自己的博客里写下自己的答案,然后去掉一个你最不喜欢的问题再加上一个你的问题,仍然足秤20个问题,传给八个人,列出其他八个需要回答问题的人的名字,还要到这八个人的博客里留言通知对方――你被点名了,被点名者不得拒绝回答问题,完成游戏的人酱会永远得到大家的祝福.
B. 这八个人要在自己的博客里注明是从哪里接到的,并且再传给其他8个人,让游戏继续下去,不得回传,被点到名字的人将会得到大家的祝福,并且所有美好的愿望都会在不久的将来实现.
1. PapaBear
6.ZhiYin(my sis)
7.Xiao Tiing laopo
8.Shu Gee
Monday, February 22, 2010
❤ i kena 点名 ❤
① 被点者请在自己的网志上打上答案
② 请传给另外十个人
③ 传阅人请在这十位被点的人的留言板上通知他,他被点咯!
④ 这当中的十位不得拒绝
⑤ 被点者请注明被谁点了在哪里接到再传给下十位
⑥ 这些被点名者,你们被点会祝福
⑦ 不可回点哦,并且愿望会实现和得到幸福
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
① 绰号: 乌龟、小辣椒、SuperLameQueen
② 星座:双子座
③ 生日:27日5月1993年
④ 兴趣:吃好料、睡饱饱、玩到爽、扒扒走
⑤ 血型:没验过
⑥ 最宝贵的东西:家人、朋友、钱、食物
⑦ 最討厭的东西:会飞的虫、叫我“喂”的人
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
① 有喜欢的人吗: 没有
② 有交往吗:没有喜欢的人何来交往=。=?
③ 幸福吗:还好吧
④ 他很爱你吗:没有“他”
⑤ 如果你有勇气最想是什么:其实很多…目前想杀了Pn.TeohAiLeng
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
① 你被谁点:小婷老婆
② 他是你的谁:老婆
③ 他的个性是:可爱、迷人、嫉恶如仇
④ 他长得怎样:很可爱丫~还蛮漂亮~
⑤ 跟他认识多久:其实不记得了~但应该是半年多~
⑥ 你想跟他说什么:老婆你很可爱~
⑦ 如果他变成你的情人:是老婆了厄~
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
① 最爱的音乐:不是摇滚乐~不是国歌~
② 最爱的季节:夏天!!!
③ 最爱的卡通:很多,蜡笔小新呗
⑤ 最想去的国家:法国
⑥ 最爱的水果:很多~番茄吧~
⑦ 最爱的饮料:菊花茶~~!!!
⑧ 最爱的人:家人&朋友
♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
① 你很爱哭吗:算吧?
② 你很爱笑吗:超级
③ 你是很有信心的人吗:厄…有时候
④ 你想要怎样的生活:精彩刺激!
⑤ 你喜欢自己吗:还好咯
⑥ 你喜欢音乐吗:还不错XD
⑦ 你喜欢体育吗:喜欢~!
⑧ 你喜欢跳舞吗:有兴趣但没天分~~
⑨ 你很专情吗:应该不算
⑩ 你喜欢睡觉吗:超级喜欢
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
第六阶段 开始点名
1. Papabear ah mi~
2. Jessica Ahka~
3. Wendy~
4. Elaine~
5. Tze Ching~
6. aAron~
7. Judy~
8. Xiao Riel ah gua kor~
9. Shu Gee~
10. Fate JuJu~
「五号跟谁谈恋爱」 err Dont know?
「一号是男的还是女的」Girl la .. actually is Bear?
「六号人很好吗」haha sure =x
「九号很色吗」Well Never =x
「七号跟三号在一起吗] Omg they dont even know who is who
「八号是单身吗] Er.. Think.. Not!
「十号喜欢一号吗」Adoi they dont know each other la
「五号读那间学校」SMJK PHOR TAY LA same sch with me
「六号喜欢谁」i know i know, vV
「二号喜欢唱歌吗」she super like =.=''
「你爱七号吗] not lesbian
「三号住哪] KL? XD
「十号跟你告白」wa never lo~~
「四号有宠物吗」i think not =.=''
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
如果你有三个愿望,Tell me your wish :
① Always Happy
② Become very rich
③ Can eat alot ho liao!!! XD
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Conclusion for this Holiday
i made a pair of new spectacles. very nice design =p
i like it~ XD the colour is purple orhx~
CNY ang pao all used to buy things le. But havent buy any book that i like.
Feel abit sick after ate so many biscuit and foods. because i never drink lots of water.
actually thursday i go to Papabear's house overnight.
we were thinking want to play fireworks.
But la stupid.. Fireworks sold out.
we cannot play. then just stare at computer and continue chatting haha.
i know someone did ask us:
You two know each other for 8 years and more, dont feel bored when keep chatting?
Yes i don't.
i think i know why. Just i noticed that we two very seldom sms.
Only chat awhile when meet in msn
if meet in game surely la. talk non stop 1.
meet in real life then happen alot of thing.
continue chat ~~ XD
then when yesterday i back from papabear house
( we walk for 3KM to reach my house )
i snatch her Teddy Bear Doll~~ very cute 1!! XD
and then papabear told me a super funny jokes.
Mayb some of youS heard it before.
But anyway i will just post at here =p
@Police: Excuse me. Ah ma, your driving speed too slow already.
@Ah ma: Huh? where got wor. see! i follow the board 1, there write30.
@Police: No la. that is the number of road. here is 30th road.
@Ah ma: Oh i see. Thank you sir.
@Police: No problem. ( stare at other ah maS in the car )Why did you all face so sick?
@Ah maS: We just came from 200th road...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
1st Time Give Ang Pao XD
today ah i go sunshine square work lo..
work at Applemints =P
then because i just help my aunt's friends to work
so she pay me before i go back
i get my work pay today!!
its not much, just only RM40
But you all know la, me so good
i took my work pay and gave my parents and grandma ang pao!! XD
Grandma= RM20, Papa and Mama= RM10 each
then my work pay no liao XD
anyway it is first time i give to my parents and ahma XD
when i give to my mummy
she was like that O.O?
the conversation is like that...
@Me: ah mi (my mum), this is for you and papa d.
@Mum: Huh?
@Me: this is my work pay.
@Mum: huh? ( after she took the ang pao from me she still showing the blur face XD)
@Me: Ang pao la =.=
@Mum: hahahahhaha.....
faint. why is she laughing >.<>
then when i give to my ah ma she like very touched,
haha like wanna cry liao XD
* joking *
tonight i go find yee wen ah
she wear a long tee
faint, i thought she was wearing dresss !!
because she did not wear pants...
faint leh? XD Anyway i did took her picture down, if got chance then show you all =p
then i also took her little brother's picture, haha i guess can sell quite a good price
ithink my school got quite many his admirer gua?
that is all for now, gonna sleep if not tomorrow no energy to take ang pao XD
and work is tiring too~!
mwuahs all i love you all please miss me =)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Happy CNY & Valentine's!! XD
wish all of yours happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine's day!! XD
happpy valentine's~ XD
Happy~ Chinese New Year!~
Thursday, February 11, 2010
in that case, im going to tell you how is my "today"
today is quite scary day XD
because i have to do my Oral and Lisan
somemore i have presentation in BC too..
actually i never go and memorised the lisan / oral.. i just anyhow read the point and anyhow talk
but then i feel very.. nervous ah? dont know how to say
my hand cold like ice!!
then when i go out to start my lisan and oral..
my brain started to become blank!!
oh my buddha only
luckily i anyhow talk la can pass also~
my oral get 21 Marks XD
but dont know how about my lisan ? T.T
then when recess time i want to do my presentation..
because yesterday i too focus on my oral and i fall asleep >.<
never do dao my presentations' slide Oh my BUDDHA!!!!
but luckily la time also not enough >.<>
2 more days then holiday...
3 more days then CNY....
i'm waiting for my food.
and.. ANG PAO!! XD ang pao ang pao i love you mwuahs muacks~~~!!
*Kiss x 1000000000000000000*
i think that is all for now.. seriously very tired, XD
good night all sweet dreams!! (Hot dream or Wet dream maybe? XD)
-no jokes 1st.. veyr tired >.<>
Monday, February 8, 2010
Alot Things to Say But Summarised XD
today is quite busy, still because of homework
anyway, Chinese New Year is coming sooon!!! i'm waiting for my holiday~ XD
still remember the mini station game i did said in the post before?
last saturday we did it!
had to tell all of my member and friends, Well Done!!
although it is abit messy over there, but the game still going nicely.
for first try, it is really not bad guys!!
at least all of us enjoy =)
i hope there is another chance to make such activities like this again =p
Gambatte neh Persatuan Bahasa Cina!! you are the best! i believe =)
by the way, today my school had organise an activity,
it is like a speech though but not exactly
all about manners those and it is buddhist one.
my leg feel quite pain because we all was kneeling on the floor for around 10 minutes i think
T.T teacher torturing us wuwuwuwu
then after that ah...
when the sivik lesson is going, we need to wrap our table
we are doing the sivik project and the mission is to clean the class and wrap the table like that
but as usual la, sure got accident d ma.
Our class no one did bring the camera to take photo =.=
if no camera means no capture means not going to wrap the table!!
then our project will be delayed..
luckily at last Elaine's parent took the camera to school for her
but then =.=
no battery!! faint why so many incident LOL
but anyway our class still wrapped all the table nicely ! XD
good job to 5SA classmate!
oh ya have to remind 5SA student here, the plastic we used to wrapped a table is..
78cm x 59 cm! the siez~ remember write in the report ya~
then then then ah, today reach home liao feel very tired lo
but still got alot homework to do
haiz, tonight no pasar malam again >.<
nevermind.. i promise after SPM i sure go eat 999999999999999
hmph! XD blek =p
tomorrow ahka cannot play with me when PJK period ah..
*she need to go USM, for confirming participants on MSSPP*
sure very sien T_T somemore later Goh Kim Kim period.. die!
Oh My God!! ahka!!
someone help us.. Wednesday is we twos' Lisan + Oral!!
Oh My God Oh My Jesus Oh My Buddha!!!
die le la >.< - dying -
@Min: wow aunty Wong, how to make your lips so shiny?
@Aunty Wong: Use Laskes's lipstick!
@Min: wow aunty Lim, how to make your face looks so smooth?
@Aunty Lim: Use Monsawr's facial paste!
@Min: wow aunty Mecca, how to draw your smokey eyeshadow?
@Aunty Mecca: .. tonight u wear sun glasses and go to bang on the road lamp
Oh my god LOL funny really ! was laughing when reading this XD
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I h@te you
what did i owe you?!!!
don't make me to scold you with all the bad words!!!
you better go away from me, far away from me, and never appear in front my eyes for now!!!
better never ever Blame me!!!!
i'm not good temper i think you know and YOU!
go far away from me!!!
i never owe you anything and!
if in the last lifetime i did owe you!
then You go back to the last lifetime!!
what with the zzzzz!!!
I H-A-T-E Y-O-U!!!!
what freaking person you are and what fucking annoyed you were?!!
i'm being upset today! and being angry and mad!!!
someone kill me please or let me kill!!
let me being childish and kill all of my temper!!
no mood to do homework and continue blogging now
sorry friends i did scolded bad words but i cannot control
hope there is a nice tomorrow !!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
She aims for success!
Poh Chin Shi~~> one of my friends~
Happy Birthday!! 03/02/2010
Loh Yee Wen~~> Mosquito!
Happy Birthday!! 04/02/2010
Thor Choon Yi~~> one of my friends too~
Happy Birthday!!04/02/2010
wish you three have a nice day and best birthday that ever had!
by the way thanks for wen wen's chocolate cake XD
* yummy~*
How Are You?
dont ask me this question well my answer 100% will be im being busy and crazy OMG!!
was busy for homework and school activities~
this saturday going have a mini mini station game for my club~
wish all the best on that day! everything will be ok and funnY!
actually i today i went to counselling room ( not to get some counselling service la )
i ask teacher for information to get in college
then teacher asked me which college i want to study and what is the course name and what what what bla bla bla
then i also dont know how to answer so i just tell teacher :
teacher sorry i m not that clear about it.
then teacher say yourself also dont know then how i gonna help you find lol
i think : 废话拉! if i know i no need come le lo stupid =.=
then she gave me a book
then i told her i want to study about banking and finance those.
lol faint. after i read the book i become more confusing
OMG someone tell me
what is the different between Finance&Investment and Banking & Finance?
what is the meaning of Marketing?
why do we take ACCA for account?
how much the fee for one course?
how long do i need to complete whole path of coursing?
what meant by credits?
Walao Leh!! Alot problems nia make me become more and more confusing!!
then i decided tomorrow go to counselling teacher again
i really dont understand
must have some further explanation lol
anyway i was planning my future..
for me i was interested in $$$ and Investment
because can make alot money ma..~ i think all of my friends know i do like money alot alot alot too!! XD
ok lo well so i must aim for sucess
yeah, the one " She" on the title there is "Me"
she aims for success
she need all yours support
she trying her very best
she planning her future
she belief she can do it
she wanted to be a millionaire
she wish to find out what she gonna do
She, Me, aims for success
now i aims for my 1st exam results. i has got a very very high target
hope i can hit it! wish me all the best, friends.
Need Yours Support!! Friends!!

PS: tomorrow i has got morla nilai test, wish me all the best too!! emergency!! XD
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Lame Lame Lame~
actually these few days busy for homework again~
how to say leh hmm. im lazy to do it
but when Friday hor i feel very upset because i always forget this and that
i never bring my exercise to school!
although only left abit to complete, but i never bring it
then teacher say me and jessica in 1st class still need teacher ask for homework
that time i feel ashame!!
i had cried.
that time i think why am i so useless always forgetful
was thinking anyhow to write that exercise on a piece on paper then hand in
but then i didnt. was thinking what is the point to do that
so i just write the message on a paper and ask classmate pass to teacher
apologize to teacher and i will hand in my work with 2 essays together as punishment
im not to let teacher dont demerit
actually had nothing to write lol.
just now around 8pm ++ the stupid dinasour called me.
show u all his picture LOL omg he is wearing spec!!
lol. we talk about alot lame thing haha.
my ahma heard i talk to a guy
actually she not heard it clearly, just she asked me:
" why got boy sound eh? "
then i tell my ahma that i m talking to a guy in phone.
then i ask dinasour : do u wanna talk to my ahma?
he say not LOL
after i took off the phone ,the conversation between me and my ahma :
@me : ahma, u know wat the guy say? he said he dont wan talk to u
@ahma: why he dont want? he scare i scold him is it?
haha omg LOL funny i m laughing.
beh tahan. now i cannot call him ( that guy) as dinasour le.
he is Mrs. Banana! 芭娜娜小姐!!
because his chinese is getting worst LOL
ok loh that is all for now lo~
nothing to say le xP bubaiii~!
today let's talk about banana~ (in chinese :P)
wahahaha! understand? if dont understand nevermind :P hoho
Sunday, January 24, 2010
A Crazy Yesterday!
yesterday i went Queensbay Mall again with papabear and KaKa!
actually yesterday is a school day
its for holiday (CNY) ~!
but then we din't have many class because of the uniform AGM and ceramah~
oh ya, finally the stupid KaKa come to school after a week.
*luckily she come, if not sure die*
then.. when the uniform AGM is going.. i become a L-A-M-E Queen!
i had told SooLing, PaPaBear, WanSin, and KaKa alot of lame jokes lol XD
and then.. we laugh like a group of crazy girls.. (i think there's no one staring at us yet, no worry! )
when the ceramah is going on.. the teacher ask us to smile.. i had make the face and laugh!
- he ~ he ~ he~ -
i know the face was funny XP
and then.. i decided to pull papabear and kaka to accompany me for shopping!
lol, i had phone kaka's father to get the permission to go with me XD
@kaka'a dad : ah, u know huh she..
@me: uncle please, i'm very pity please let her go with me! (ignore her dad)
@kaka's dad : er.. ok la. is there any boy going?
@me: *=_=..* no uncle..
LOL! then papa bear 's dad come and fetch me to BJ, then we go meet kaka at QB.
who know that stupid kaka wait u at BJ.. LOL
well no matter how we still meeting at QB XD
then i go Guardians buy Bio-Oil for my sis, and some mint candy ,
and then we go for the Candy House to find wen wen,
she had CUT her hair! hahahahah XD cute look actually
then we start shopping.. i keep trying the stupid shirt , until very hungry lol.
girl is scary, can shopping like that.
then i saw a cute and nice necklace! its bear bear shape! XD
i named it as " Xiong Mi Mi , bear rice rice in english"
then ah..
KaKa's SRB boy friend come to get her.
what is SRB? SRB= SuperRoadBlind
XD i had gave him a name --> Disconnect Zai
then we start shopping again.. i wants to buy a pant!
but they dont allow me to choose purple 1 T_T
after having our dinner at FoodCourt and bought Papabear;s shirt + shoes,
we going to the beach there XD
but then i lost my lovely , my dearest, my honey-- purple pin!!
the 101 purple pin a..... T_T * cries *
wow.. we really crazy there sing and dance along the road, (not really dance la)
and then the SLQ-- me, SLQ= SuperLameQueen
asked they all to give Cold Jokes!
DC zai wants to say : xiang jiao (banana) but he said : huang jiao (yellow) ! lol
we laugh llike hell really LOL.
then we go home.. tired and funny! XD
thanks papabear, kaka and disconnect zai for urs accompanying!
i love u all~! muackssss.
Joke: * this is the lame joke*
last time.. there's only 10 months a year..
then the king of earth feel like we need holidays!
so he added 2 months..
"January" has become the new name for 1st month..
"February" has become the new name for 2nd month..
and then the 1st month(before) --> March has become 3rd month..
now October has become the 10th month! (octo = 8)
XD haha.
i was wondering Octo = 8, so got Octopus, Octogen, but why..
October is 10th lol..
XD now i know!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
miss me? haha. sorry 1st ya, being busy XD
actually at the last sunday i went Queensbay again, with papabear